Favela da Rocinha

Postado por Kurtis Henry em

Rio de Janeiro is a second home to the Runway Boyz. We travel there at least once a year because we have many friends around the city and a couple of us are learning Portuguese. 

Hidden from the marvelous beaches of Copacabana and Ipanema, on the back side of Two Brothers  mountain, is the humongous favela by the name of Rocinha. There is no accurate count of how many people live there but it is estimated to be an upwards of 300000 residents living within a square mile. Many of the houses there were not made by engineers or construction workers, but built by the families of the people currently residing in them. The houses are built as tight as possible and stacked on top of each other in most cases. One of our friends, Obi, owns a tour company called Favela Brothers Tours and also lives in Rocinha. When we are in town we make sure we go to his house which has some of the best views of the favela. Take a tour with us around Rocinha as we give you an up-close and personal view of what we call “the beast” AKA Rocinha!!!!

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